Since many of my books are epubs I've converted, proofed and corrected from something else, I can't even estimate the hours I have invested in those libraries. And I back up my Calibre libraries like a squirrel expecting a bad winter-three external drives, with varying backup frequency. It took me a while to trust this, believe me. Yes, once you have the books in Calibre, you can delete them from elsewhere. The reader is for reading, Calibre is for storing.

I never have more than a few books on any reader device at a time.
Calibre filetools pdf#
I keep all my books in Calibre as epub files (with the odd exception, like a pdf I am waiting to convert), then convert to mobi on the fly if I want to read one on my Kindle, or just move it over to my phone or tablet as is. I do have two main Calibre libraries, however - one for fiction and one for non-fiction. With all the tools Calibre has for sorting and viewing, no problems since.

Then I finally got it that Calibre is controlling all of this as a database, and I should keep my hands out of the library files.never, ever, add or delete except through Calibre. I made several terrible messes of it when I started. Then copy your books from the various sources into some temporary holding folder, and add them - using Calibre - one by one to the new library.that will give you more control than just dumping them in all at once. If you only have 50 books, set up a new empty folder, and point Calibre to that as a library (Click on the Library icon, then "Switch/create library", then browse to your folder, then "Create an empty library at the new location").