Slash/Blunt Armor: Reduce damage taken from bladed weapons such as swords, daggers or axes/from blunt weapons such as maces, fists, guns or hammers.Physical Armor: Reduce damage taken from weapons and physical mantras.However, other stats like ether regen, stealth and the associated talents will still be active. At 0% durability, the outfit will no longer grant its defensives values. Depletes via taking damage from most sources.

This way you can mis-lead players with the appearance of your outfit and max out your fashion stat. To do this, you must "Transmog" to a crafted outfit you want to have the appearance of instead of swapping to it. You may also keep the stats of an outfit you are currently wearing while choosing the look of another outfit you already crafted. Outfits are lost when a player wipes, meaning they must find Schematics again in order to reobtain their outfit. Outfits come in several tiers, typically denoting their rarity and effectiveness: Starter, Adept, Expert, Master, and Unique. Some outfits grant users Talents or other unique buffs while worn. The player has a handful of basic outfits available to them upon a fresh start, but other outfits require the player to find a corresponding Schematic and bring it to a Blacksmith to be unlocked.

They can be purchased and repaired at a Blacksmith, which can be found in larger settlements. Outfits have limited durability that can be lost through most forms of damage, including physical, elemental, and environmental damage. Outfits are craftable forms of defense that typically reduce oncoming damage by a certain percent, based on what type of damage it is.